Friday, April 2, 2010

Spotlight: Amanda Pair

(first 2 images taken from

Amanda Pair. The fact that this incredibly talented photographer and myself are friends is random, but I am so glad that we are. It all started when this incredibly talented photographer asked me to come assist her at a Houston wedding:

That photographer was the ever talented Melissa Jill, and the coincidence is that while Melissa and I were planning to shoot together, Amanda was planning to attend one her 2-Day Workshops. The meeting began with a Twitter photograph, then progressed to an e-mail, a lunch date, drinks over dinner, and (finally) a wedding together.

We started out with a bang, and I cannot wait to put my images together with hers. If I could be so bold, I think Maria is going to absolutely die when she sees her slideshow, gallery, and album design. The following are some that Amanda took that really, truly impress me. The beginning of my photography career was spent as a second photographer, so I feel that I have more respect for photographers who can "second" well. Amanda can really do anything well, but this particular day, I was in awe of her skills. Check it out!

Thanks, friend. Let's do it again soon!

1 comment:

Amanda Pair said...

Oops! I comment on FB, but not here! - Thanks Camille. I had so much fun. I'm looking forward to doing it again this weekend :)