Monday, July 12, 2010

Beauty in Imperfection

I am out of town right now working at a camp where I've been a counselor for years. I actually spoke this morning on how beauty can come from a lot of places... Then, I started working on these ceremony images and laughed at the irony.

Melissa took the below shot because she thought it was so funny for me to look so "proper." I really didn't think that I looked that "proper" -- I just had to find a way to brace myself. We were not allowed into the sanctuary, so it was hard to maneuver and get the shot between the glass frames. Either way, I looked a little ridiculous taking it:

Nonetheless, I love what I got. Some people might have thrown this image out because of the glare from the windows behind me. I keep it, though, because I think the moment with Elizabeth and her dad is too sweet to ignore.

Later, Melissa and I did some pretty impressive tag-teaming to get a big shot without any glare or shadow, and I love the way this ceremony looks in the sanctuary:

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